Privacy notice for partners of IHI Charging Systems International S.p.A. (ICSI S.p.A.)

Pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 196/2003 and subsequent additions/amendments and EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (hereafter “GDPR”) and in relation to the personal data concerning you that are processed, we inform you of the following.

1. What data do we collect? How do we use personal data? Legal basis of processing

Data" refers to data relating to natural persons processed by IHI Charging Systems International S.p.A. for the conclusion and execution of the contractual relationship with its customers/suppliers, such as, for example, data directly referable to the customer/supplier as a natural person, or to the legal representative of the customer/supplier as a legal person, to the employees/consultants of the same involved in the activities relating to the contract, as well as any other information necessary for the execution of the contract.

In particular, Data will be processed for the purposes below.

Management of the contractual/commercial relationship, such as: satisfying specific customer/supplier requests prior to the conclusion of the contract; conclusion, modification, execution of the contract; provision and management of related services; complaint management.

The legal basis of processing in relation to the above-mentioned purposes are:

Administrative - accounting, such as: invoicing, payment management, bookkeeping, organisation of business activities.

The legal basis of processing in relation to the above-mentioned purposes are:

Fulfilment of legal obligations provided for by national or European Union law or by collective agreements in accordance with national law, such as: fulfilment of obligations provided for by European Union and national legislation, in particular on health and safety at work, and crime prevention (anti-mafia legislation, anti-corruption, Legislative Decree 231/2001).

The legal basis of processing is the need to fulfil a legal obligation to which the data controller is subject.

Exercise and/or defence of rights in court and debt collection, such as: management of any legal disputes, protection and recovery of debts, directly or through third parties (lawyers/agencies/collection companies).

The legal basis of processing is legitimate interest.

2. How long do we keep your personal data for?

The data shall be processed for the duration of the contractual relationship and, after its termination, until the limitation period of the rights mutually arising between the parties. In the event of litigation, for the duration of the litigation itself, and until the decision is final.

3. How do we collect your data?

Personal data may be processed by analogue, electronic or otherwise automated means, using methods and procedures strictly necessary for the pursuit of the purposes described above.

4. When do we share personal data and authorized parties?

The Data may be communicated to external parties acting as autonomous data controllers, such as public or private parties entitled to process the Data (e.g. public administrations, banks and credit institutions, accountants, notaries, lawyers and other professionals).

The Data may be processed, on behalf of the data controller, by external parties designated as data processors, who carry out specific activities on behalf of the data controller, by way of example, its distribution network, companies and agents performing debt collection activities for the data controller, legal, tax and administrative consultants.

The Data may be processed by employees of the company functions assigned to the pursuit of the above-mentioned purposes, who have been expressly authorised to process them and who have received appropriate operating instructions.

The Data are not subject to dissemination.

5. Provision of data

Any refusal on the part of the person concerned to provide personal data may make it impossible (in part or in full) to fulfil legal obligations, or to enter into or properly perform the contract or service. In this eventuality, without prejudice to the data subject's right not to provide his/her data, the Data Controller reserves the right to suspend, interrupt or not establish the contractual relationship.

6. Data controller

The data controller is IHI Charging Systems International S.p.A., C.F. and P.IVA 11575000150, with registered office in Cernusco Lombardone 23870, Via Regina 25 contacts and .

The data controller may process the data directly, through its own employees authorised to do so, or through external collaborators, who in that case take on the title of Data Processors.

The updated list of Data Processors is made available by the Controller upon request.

7. What are your data protection rights? How to contact us?

The legislation on the protection of personal Data (Articles 12-22 of GDPR) guarantees the data subject/recipient the right to be informed about the processing of the Data and the right to access the Data at any time and to request that it be updated, supplemented and rectified. Where the conditions set out in the legislation apply, the data subject may also claim the right to the deletion of the Data, the restriction of its processing, the portability of the Data, the right to object to its processing, and the right not to be subject to decisions based solely on automated processing.

If the processing of Personal Data is based on the consent of the data subject, the data subject has the right to revoke that consent.

In order to exercise his/her rights, as well as for more detailed information regarding the processing of Data, the data subject may contact IHI Charging Systems International S.p.A. by writing to the e-mail address:

If the data subject/recipient considers that his or her rights have been infringed, he or she may lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority.

8. Processing of third-party data

The customer/supplier is informed that if it uses its own employees or collaborators (including any subcontractors) in the execution of the contractual relationship, the personal data of the latter may be processed by IHI Charging Systems International S.p.A., also in its capacity as data controller, for the purposes described in point 1.

These processing operations have the same purposes, methods and retention periods as those described in this information notice; in relation to these processing operations, moreover, the data subjects have the same rights as those identified in point 7.

The customer/supplier has the duty to properly inform its employees and collaborators about the processing, also by providing them with this information document.

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